
A day of silence . . .

You've probably learned by now that I don't post everyday...I don't know if its due to the lack of time or the lack of focus because I have plenty of stuff to blog about. I do, on the other hand, manage to read other blogs everyday. **shrug**  It is what it is.

I came across this today and I thought it would be nice to share . . .


As a single parent, most of the time I'm tired and broke...what can I say, its a lifestyle. But sometimes I come across these charities where it is totally worth donating my last few bucks to. My Mami always told me, we reap what we sow. . .

Be a sport...donate to Shelter Box it'll make you feel better....promise!!

I will observe this bloggers day of silence and get back to you when my focus is back in check. 

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